Guide To Terms And Rules Of Chess


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Rules are the fundamentals of life and why should realistic games like Chess be any different. The inscrutable gameplay of this fantastic model has a very stringent set of rules that all chess players ought to know.

Today, let us take some time to study the rules for chess for beginners, and the common occurrences due to the chess positions and chess fundamentals that come into play.

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You may spend a lot of time as a beginner, trying to figure out chess – how to checkmate your opponent but there’s more to it than just meeting the objective of gameplay. So, let us take a look at the rules on how to play chess in order to facilitate more lucrative strategies even at a beginner level.

Rules on how to play chess

The rules for chess for beginners are very specific and indulge the chess positions of pieces during setup, the movement of pieces, the stalemate in chess, the rules of how to play chess complying with the movement of pieces, and learning chess how to checkmate.

Here are some of the important rules for chess for beginners to learn but is a staple for every chess player regardless of their expertise:

  • Chess is played between two players. If there are teams involved in gameplay, the players of the same team must sit at different game boards and challenge different opponents.
  • A game of chess must be played on the sanctioned game board involving 64 squares of alternative black and white-colored squares. It is an 8x8 board with 32 total pieces used during setup.
  • One of the most important rules for chess for beginners is to know the chess positions of the pieces. We will discuss that shortly.
  • The player with the white pieces always initiates the chess game with the first move.
  • The movement of the chess pieces is another of the important rules for chess for beginners that we will discuss in a minute.
  • If an opponent’s piece is captured during gameplay, then the rules for chess for beginners dictate that the piece must be discarded from the game board. The only exception is when there are variations of gameplay where a player can pass over the piece to a teammate playing on another chessboard.
  • All the chess pieces must follow the rules for how to play chess during any movement and capture scenarios.
  • The objective of the game is to attack the opponent’s king in a situation where he cannot escape a possible capture. You can achieve this by rendering a checkmate in chess games or ending with a stalemate in chess.
  • You can check in chess multiple times. That means you can deliver threats to the opponent’s king on several occasions, and they can do the same. However, only when one of the kings is in a tough spot, ready to be captured with no means of escape is when you render a true checkmate according to the rules on how to play chess.
  • There is a phenomenon called stalemate in chess wherein both players are neither winners nor losers. The gameplay ends with a draw by stalemate, although, there can be several reasons for finishing a draw game.
  • Stalemate in chess means a player has reached a point where his king is not under check in chess from any of the opponent’s pieces, however, he still has no place to move during their turn. The stalemate meaning in chess often confuses people since it is not exactly a checkmate but the player is simply out of moves to make.
  • Both players can also unanimously decide to call it a draw in chess when they both realize that the game is going to end with a chess stalemate.
  • A draw by stalemate is also possible if both players, or at least one player, barely has any pieces left to render check in chess, let alone a checkmate to their opponent. This often happens during a bishop and king, knight and king, queen and king, pawn and king, or rook and king endgames. All the strategies for ‘chess – how to checkmate’ fall short in the sight of the singular piece left for the attack.
  • The two chess players can also reach a draw by stalemate if neither of the two players captures an opponent’s piece or plays a pawn in 50 consecutive moves. According to the rules for chess for beginners, both players can call a draw in chess or declare a chess stalemate.
  • Pawn promotion is an important part of the rules for chess for beginners. It states that once a player successfully crosses the length of the chessboard with a specific pawn, that pawn can be promoted to a higher-ranking piece such as the bishop, knight, rook, or queen.

There are also several rules for chess for beginners that rely heavily on the movement of the pieces and the chess positions during setup, so, let’s take a look at what they are.

Chessboard, pieces, and their moves

The setting up of the chessboard has a few rules to follow as well. Here’s how to set up the chessboard with the appropriate chess positions:

Starting on the left corner on the side of the player with the white pieces, identify the algebraic notations for the chess squares. The first is A1. Following that, the entire row is considered 1 and the column is A.

Now start by placing the chess pieces in their correct chess positions, beginning with the rooks on A1 and H1. They are followed by the knights on B1 and G1. Then come the bishops on C1 and F1. Lastly, you place the queen on the left of the king in the case of the player with the white pieces. The 8 pawns occupy the entire second row in front of these important pieces.

On the side of black, you follow the same concepts along the 8th and 7th rows respectively. The only difference is, according to the rules for chess for beginners regarding chess positions, the queen comes on the right of the king.

Once your chessboard is set up, it is time to consider the movements of the pieces. The movement of the pieces, as per the rules for chess for beginners, has a few quirks that apply to gameplay and rely heavily on the direction of the move. So here’s what you need to bear in mind:

1. The Pawns

The pawn can move only one step at a time, whether it is advancing towards pawn promotion or capturing an opponent’s piece.

There are a couple of exceptions to the singular pawn movements and they are as follows:

  • During development, i.e., the first step taken by each pawn, it has a choice to take two steps forward or one step forward.
  • A chess pawn may only move ahead in a straight line unless it is capturing an opponent’s piece.
  • According to the rules for chess for beginners, a pawn can only capture a piece if it is diagonally ahead. Thus, the pawn changes files and switches to the file of capture.
  • A chess pawn can capture an opponent’s pawn on an adjacent square in passing as en passant only if it takes place organically in the very next move made by the capturer.
  • Upon reaching the end of the file, the pawn promotion comes into effect.

2. The Rooks

The rooks have a very basic form of movement. They can only move along the vertical and horizontal plane across several empty squares. Therefore, as per the rules on how to play chess, a rook can capture an opponent’s piece on the other side of the game board as long as it lies on the same row or column as the rook.

3. The Knights

The knights feature an askew movement as per the rules for chess for beginners.

Traditionally, the knight can move two steps in any direction be it forward, backward, or sideways, and then take a right or left turn. Therefore, by definition, the knight makes an L-shaped move.

4. The Bishops

The bishops feature interesting movements. They can only move diagonally across the game board, taking multiple steps in either diagonal file. However, there are color designations for the bishops based on the original chess positions.

By that concept, the bishops on C1 and F8 can only move along the squares with dark colors whereas the bishops on F1 and C8 can only move along squares that have light colors.

5. The Queen

The queen is the most powerful of all the defensive characters. She can move in any direction, taking multiple steps at a time. The chess queen can move vertically, horizontally, and even diagonally to develop and capture your opponent’s pieces, as per the rules for chess for beginners.

6. The King

The King is the most important piece in a chess game.

He can move with single steps throughout the game in any direction. The only time the king can jump over another piece and take two steps sideways is when he castles with the rook.

Playing these pieces accurately as per the rules for chess for beginners will help you develop efficiency in your overall strategies. You can even attempt to play tempo chess which involves high levels of accuracy in your tactics.

In order to deliver a valid check in chess or a checkmate, you need to abide by the rules as well. There are several factors that affect the outcome of the game and the rules for how to play chess is the most important one.

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