Suits In Rummy

Suits In Rummy

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A suit of cards is a category in which cards of different ranks are placed. In a deck of 52 cards, there are four suits— spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds. There are 13 cards in each suit which all together make the deck of 52 cards.

GetMega Rummy is an amazing platform that lets you play rummy with friends & family with real money. Sounds fun, isn't it? Download the GetMega rummy app now!

Know about the Suits in Rummy

In rummy the cards in each suit are ranked from the lowest to the highest, starting with Ace and ending with King. So, in rummy, a suit is formed by Ace-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-Jack-Queen-King. All the face cards and the ace card carries 10 points and all other cards carry points equal to their face value, for example, a 2 card carries 2 points, 3 cards carries 3 points, and so on. The joker card and wild cards carry zero points.

Suits in rummy

These suits in rummy are used to form sets and sequences. A sequence can be formed by using cards from the same suit or from different suits. Based on this, the sequence is named as a pure sequence or an impure sequence.

A pure sequence is formed by three or more cards from the same suit while an impure sequence is formed by three or more cards from the same suit with a joker or a wild card. While declaring rummy you need to have at least two sequences formed, out of which at least one sequence has to be a pure sequence.

To have a pure sequence, you cannot use a joker card or a wild card in your sequence.

Know the rules of the same suit

Rules of same suit

A same suit cards is the category in which the playing cards are placed according to the symbols present on them. The four rummy suits are clubs, spades, hearts, and diamonds. In rummy when you are forming same suit in cards, it is important that you use cards from the same suit. If you are missing the desired card, you can use a joker card or wild card but in order to form a pure sequence all cards should be from the same suit without a joker or wild card.

GetMega Rummy is an amazing platform that lets you play rummy with friends & family with real money. Sounds fun, isn't it? Download the GetMega rummy app now!
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